Java chaincode
Note: This guide generally assumes you have followed the Chaincode development environment setup tutorial here.
To get started developing Java chaincode
- Ensure you have gradle
- Download the binary distribution from
- Unpack, move to the desired location, and add gradle’s bin directory to your system path
- Ensure
gradle -v
works from the command-line, and shows version 2.12 or greater - Optionally, enable the gradle daemon for faster builds
- Ensure you have the Java 1.8 JDK installed. Also ensure Java’s directory is on your path with
java -version
- Additionally, you will need to have the
variable set to your JDK installation in your system path -
From your command line terminal, move to the
subdirectory of your workspace environment. Log into a Vagrant terminal by executing the following command:vagrant ssh
Build and run the peer process.
cd $GOPATH/src/ make peer peer node start
The following steps is for deploying chaincode in non-dev mode.
- Deploy the chaincode,
peer chaincode deploy -l java -n map -p /opt/gopath/src/ -c '{"Function": "init", "Args": ["a","100", "b", "200"]}'
* This command will give the 'name' for this chaincode, and use this value in all the further commands with the -n (name) parameter
* PS. This may take a few minutes depending on the environment as it deploys the chaincode in the container,
- Invoke a transfer transaction,
/opt/gopath/src/$ peer chaincode invoke -l java \
-n 6d9a704d95284593fe802a5de89f84e86fb975f00830bc6488713f9441b835cf32d9cd07b087b90e5cb57a88360f90a4de39521a5595545ad689cd64791679e9 \
-c '{"Function": "transfer", "Args": ["a","b", "20"]}'
- Query the values of a and b after the transfer
/opt/gopath/src/$ peer chaincode query -l java \
-n 6d9a704d95284593fe802a5de89f84e86fb975f00830bc6488713f9441b835cf32d9cd07b087b90e5cb57a88360f90a4de39521a5595545ad689cd64791679e9 \
-c '{"Function": "query", "Args": ["a"]}'
/opt/gopath/src/$ peer chaincode query -l java \
-n 6d9a704d95284593fe802a5de89f84e86fb975f00830bc6488713f9441b835cf32d9cd07b087b90e5cb57a88360f90a4de39521a5595545ad689cd64791679e9 \
-c '{"Function": "query", "Args": ["b"]}'
- To develop your own chaincodes, simply extend the Chaincode class (demonstrated in the SimpleSample Example under the examples package)
Java chaincode deployment in DEV Mode
- Follow the step 1 to 3 as above,
- Build and run the peer process
cd $GOPATH/src/
make peer
peer node start --peer-chaincodedev
- Open the second Vagrant terminal, and change to Java shim root folder and run gradle build,
cd $GOPATH/src/
gradle build
Run the SimpleSample chaincode using the
gradle run
Open the third Vagrant terminal to run init and invoke on the chaincode
peer chaincode deploy -l java -n SimpleSample -c ‘{“Function”: “init”, “Args”: [“a”,”100”, “b”, “200”]}’
2016/06/28 19:10:15 Load docker HostConfig: %+v &{[] [] [] [] false map[] [] false [] [] [] [] host { 0} [] { map[]} false [] 0 0 0 false 0 0 0 0 []}
19:10:15.461 [crypto] main -> INFO 002 Log level recognized 'info', set to INFO
peer chaincode invoke -l java -n SimpleSample -c '{"Function": "transfer", "Args": ["a", "b", "10"]}'
2016/06/28 19:11:13 Load docker HostConfig: %+v &{[] [] [] [] false map[] [] false [] [] [] [] host { 0} [] { map[]} false [] 0 0 0 false 0 0 0 0 []}
19:11:13.553 [crypto] main -> INFO 002 Log level recognized 'info', set to INFO
peer chaincode query -l java -n SimpleSample -c '{"Function": "query", "Args": ["a"]}'
2016/06/28 19:12:19 Load docker HostConfig: %+v &{[] [] [] [] false map[] [] false [] [] [] [] host { 0} [] { map[]} false [] 0 0 0 false 0 0 0 0 []}
19:12:19.289 [crypto] main -> INFO 002 Log level recognized 'info', set to INFO
peer chaincode query -l java -n SimpleSample -c '{"Function": "query", "Args": ["b"]}'
2016/06/28 19:12:25 Load docker HostConfig: %+v &{[] [] [] [] false map[] [] false [] [] [] [] host { 0} [] { map[]} false [] 0 0 0 false 0 0 0 0 []}
19:12:25.667 [crypto] main -> INFO 002 Log level recognized 'info', set to INFO